

School Uniform


  • Blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan in plain blue or with the school logo
  • Black or grey trousers
  • Black or grey skirt or pinafore
  • White polo-shirt
  • Black shoes or trainers (No markings)
  • Black or grey tights or black/grey/white socks.


  • As above
  • Black or grey shorts, skirt or culottes
  • Blue and white ‘school’ summer dress
  • Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts can be ordered from the School Office.

Parents are requested to mark all items of clothing and property with their child’s name.

PE Clothing

For P.E. children wear black or blue shorts and a white T-shirt. These can be ordered from the School Office. Children have bare feet of plimsols for indoor PE. Children will need trainers for outdoor games. Tracksuits may be worn during cold weather. Please ensure your child always has a PE kit available in school. Kits can be left in bags on your child’s peg in the cloakroom, and periodically brought home to be washed etc., but we feel it is important that equipment is readily available in school.

Additional Information

The Head Teacher has the right to prohibit the wearing of certain types of clothing if they are deemed unsuitable for school.

Hairstyles should be smart and appropriate. We strongly discourage shaved ‘tramlines’, ‘mohicans’ etc.