


A happiness filled, vocabulary rich, experiential adventure …

Our high-quality maths education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the usefulness of maths, as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. It is taught through a maths mastery approach and children will work through fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions for each new mathematical concept,  allowing them to gain confidence and master skills before applying them in a wide range of situations. Through all strands of maths, children are exposed to rich mathematical vocabulary and the use of challenging questions allow them to demonstrate they can use it in their responses. They have the opportunity to use a variety of resources safely and a range of visual approaches, such as the part-whole model and bar models, to solve calculations. Teachers strive to give ‘real life maths’ experiences at every opportunity including shop visits to learn about money or cooking to learn about ratio. Mathematics is essential to everyday life and our fluency skills ladder gives children a strong arithmetic base allowing them to confidently use maths and become happy mathematicians.
